| Europäisches Patentamt


Date 15 March 2021

As citizens of Europe, we stand in solidarity with those affected by the situation in Ukraine. Together with its staff, the Office has raised over EUR 300 000 in donations to humanitarian organisations working in Ukraine and the neighbouring countries.

The Office’s association for social activities – the Amicale – has been coordinating a voluntary fundraising campaign to collect donations directly from staff towards the International Committee of the Red Cross and the United Nations Refugee Agency. These organisations are working in the region to support those affected or displaced. Over EUR 150 000 has been raised thanks to these generous contributions.

In order to ensure that our collective efforts have the greatest possible impact, the Office itself will make a direct contribution of EUR 150 000 towards this fundraising drive. Donations are regularly being transferred to the humanitarian organisations to ensure that aid quickly reaches those affected.

The Office and its staff will continue to stand for peace, progress and prosperity in Europe.

Standing together for peace in Europe
