We are glad to provide you with some information about the firm Dendorfer & Herrmann Patentanwaelte Partnerschaft mbB.

We provide our services as German and European Patent and Trademark Attorneys to our domestic and international clients. We are located in the center of Munich, near the German Patent and Trademark Office and the European Patent Office.

Kanzlei von drei erfahrenen Patentanwälten

Our firm is managed by three experienced patent attorneys, namely:

The firm strives to provide excellence in intellectual property services by combining academic expertise with legal and language skills.

The successful protection of inventions in Europe requires an in-depth understanding of the underlying technological principles. Each of the partners meets this challenge, having in-depth technical knowledge and having acquired fluency in the English language. These language skills, combined with German as the native language, are crucial assets in the multi-lingual proceedings before the European Patent and Trademark Offices.

The firm is proud to employ experienced and specialized support staff.


Dendorfer & Herrmann
Patentanwaelte Partnerschaft mbB
Neuhauser Str. 47
80331 Munich


  • TEL

    +49-89-30 90 40 8-0

  • FAX

    +49-89-30 90 40 8-10

